Distribution of - glucuronidase activity in macaca mulatta tissues 葡糖醛酸酶在恒河猴组织中的分
Ye zhizhang , peng yanzhang and zhang yaoping 1985 the anatomy of the rhesus macaques ( macaca mulatta ) . science press , beijing , china 8叶智彰、彭燕章、张耀平1985猕猴解剖。科学出版社,北京。
Comparative research on growth speed between morpholgical breadth and the other variables of scapular of taihang mountains macaca mulatta 太行山猕猴肩胛骨长与肩胛骨其它变量生长速度的比较研究
macaca mulattaとは意味:《動》アカゲザル macaca mulatta meaning: Noun: Macaca mulatta Of southern Asia; used in medical research - rhesus , rhesus monkey Type of: macaque Encyclopedia: Macaca mulatta